Department o f Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University o f Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

1. In tro d u c tio n .........................................................................................620 1.1. Facet Emitting L a s e r s ............................................................... 620

1.1.1. Impurity-induced Disordering of QW’s ....................... 621 1.1.2. Impurity-free Vacancy Diffusion of QW’s ................... 623

1.2. Surface Emitting L a s e r s ............................................................624 1.2.1. Ion Implantation into Bragg R e f le c to r ....................... 624 1.2.2. Ion Implantation into Active L ay er............................... 626

2. Undesired Properties of Semiconductor L asers.................................626 2.1. Lasing Characteristics of Fabry-Perot Semiconductor

L ase rs ........................................................................................... 629 2.2. Lasing Characteristics of X/4 Phase-Shifted Distributed

Feedback Semiconductor L asers................................................633 2.3. Lasing Characteristics of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting

L ase rs ........................................................................................... 633 2.3.1. Influence of Carrier Spatial Hole B urn ing ................... 637 2.3.2. Influence of Thermal Lensing E f f e c t ........................... 639

3. Optical Properties of Diffused Quantum Wells-Device Engineer’s V ie w p o in t.........................................................................641