C M I P was specified by the I T U - T for managing networks. I t is a machine-to-machine pro tocol , l ike SNMP, w i t h a manager-agent paradigm. The Transaction Language 1 (TL1) method o f configuration was specified by Bellcore (now Telcordia) as a M a n Machine Language ( M M L ) for cont ro l l ing ne twork elements. I t is bo th a C L I and a pro­ tocol , and the PDUs are humanly readable. The most significant reason for its success was that performance report ing and alarms were very we l l specified. Even though the S O N E T standard recommends C M I P as the management interface, S O N E T ne twork elements introduced i n the late 1980s had T L 1 interfaces. I n fact, many of the compa­ nies bui ld ing next-generation S O N E T equipment i n the late 1990s had to support T L 1 since that was the only interface the ne twork operators were famil iar w i t h .