In his presentatio n M r Nicholson had propose d tha t in multi-spa n integra l bridge s a crac k should be allowe d to develo p in th e dec k soffi t ove r each interna l support . There was concern that this crack would be over a rubber bearing where it might rip the rubber skin or it could be just away from the bearing where i t might destro y the shear strength of the section. M r Nicholson suggested tha t double bearings could be used, presumabl y with the crac k between them , but he was satisfie d wit h the single bearing proposal . I t was suggeste d tha t shrinkag e woul d ten d t o cance l th e cree p strains causin g th e crack . M r Nicholson's analysi s ha d include d thi s compensatin g effect.