The disposal of society's wastes, once taken for granted, has become an issue of immense proportions. Two of the most pressing problems facing municipalities are the cost-effective and long-term disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) and sewage sludge (SS). These problems, particularly the management of solid wastes, are constantly in the news with the political aspects often overshadowing the technical and economic issues. Presently most of the MSW generated in the USA is disposed in landfills. The latest EPA estimates' indicate that 165 million tonnes (180 million tons) of MSW was produced in the USA in 1988, an increase of 84 million tonnes (92 million tons) since 1960. This is expected to reach 183 million tonnes (200 million tons) by 1995 without some form of source reduction or resource recovery, through recycling or waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities.