Ching ex Pich.Serm. Webbia 29: 11.1974 Type and sole genus: Loxogramme (Blume) C. Presl

Trunk epiphytes or shade petrophytes, pendent to erect, becoming very flaccid in dry periods due to complete absence of internal sclerenchyma except in roots, and also lacking external supportive cartilaginous tissues. Loxogramme is here separated as a family in order to follow the predetermined plan of this Flora Project, but there is no doubt that it should be considered an isolated member of Polypodiaceae. It can be best distinguished from others in that family by a combination of characters: basally-attached paleae, simple entire fronds, no hydathodes, elongate sori, and green spores. Many other character states among the included species are very diverse: the creeping rhizome ranges from short to long, the phyllopodia vary from non-articulate to fully articulate, lamina size is from 1 to 90 cm long and 0.3 to 15 cm broad, the costa is variously elevated on at least one side or on both sides, venation various, fronds tending to curl longitudinally either revolutely (towards the abaxis) or involutely (towards the adaxis), and the laminar tissue is generally wrinkled on the side away from the curl and smooth inside the curl, sori may be paraphysate or not and spores either globose-trilete or fabiform-monolete.