ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of a new conservation treatment diminishing the iron-gall ink corrosion of the paper of historical manuscripts. The investigated conservation strategy was based on the iron complex formation as well as solid-liquid extraction of iron compounds from the paper. Various ligands, which are known to form stable complexes with iron, were chosen. The efficiency and rate of extraction was investigated for FeCl3 as well as for iron compounds present in the iron-gall ink solution. The oxidation state of residual amount of iron in the paper as well as possible migration of metal ions after extraction was also evaluated. At last but not least the accelerated aging of the paper exposed to the conservation treatment was applied in order to ensure that the proposed procedure does not influence the paper itself. Most of the work was performed with the use of model samples, which were intentionally prepared to mimic the properties of real historical items. All these investigations were done with the aid of modern instrumental analytical techniques.