It follows that the properties (e0), ( e {) of 2 .(A E ) still hold, but the situa­ tion for v = p->q shows that now there may hold i ~ 2 in (e0) when both cases of (ej) occur. T his has the effect that in 2 .(AO) the upper bound a + 2b for the length of A 0(D) must be replaced by 2(a-f b ) . Because repeating the argument establishing 2 .(AO), I then know by induction that the lengths of A 0(E ;), A 0(E M) are at most 2(c-fd) and thus are bounded by

in the two cases of (e^ . Thus

length( A 0(D )) < 2 + max ( length A ), len g th A jJD ")) < 2 (a -f b) .