This book represents the proceedings of the Conference on Underwater Acoustics, held in September 1992, to bring together all the various disciplines involved in a forum to present the latest research on all aspects of marine acoustics.

Arctic acoustics. Invited paper. Experimental and theoretical analysis of spatial coherence on a horizontal array under the Arctic ice. Calibrations. Invited paper. A survey of European calibration facilities for underwater acoustics: Euromet Project A73. Communications. Invited paper. Channel-adaptive correlation reception of wideband underwater acoustic signals. Fisheries. Invited paper. Echo counting or echo integration for fish biomass assessment in shallow waters. Measurements. Acoustic bubble sizing through nonlinear combinations involving parametric excitations. Noise. Invited paper. Glass reinforced plastic minehunter considerations [shock and noise]. Propagation. Invited paper. Three-dimensional ocean acoustic modelling. Risk Assessment. Underwater noise exposure and hearing. Scattering. Invited paper. A refined boundary element/finite element technique for modelling acoustic radiation from submerged structures. Sea Floor. Invited paper. Development of a tube wave system for obtaining in-situ geotechnical parameters in shallow marine environments. Signal Processing. Invited paper. Classification of underwater objects using resonance 'scattering and neural networks'. Tomography. Reconstruction of sound velocity profiles in the sea using ocean acoustic tomography techniques. Transducers. Thermal limit analysis of low-frequency, high-power sonar projectors. Wideband. Invited paper. Wideband synthetic aperture sonar: advantages and limitations. Index.