D epartm en t (P W D ) S ou thw est W ate r Pollu tion C ontro l P lant property . T he E A L is a deleted U nited S ta tes Environm ental P ro tec tio n A gency (E P A ) S uperfund site.

T o co nstruc t a runw ay at this location, D O A, th rough its consultants, prepared an environm ental assessm ent rep o rt (E A ) issued in F ebruary 1993. T o supplem ent th e EA , hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations at E A L w ere conducted . A t th e request o f th e F ederal A viation A dm inistration (FA A ), E P A review ed the E A and th e results o f the supplem ental hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations.