U nderlying the Qp, th e C retaceous A ge Kp™ stratigraphic sequence consists o f alternating layers o f silts and clays exhibiting low perm eability, and saturated sands and gravel th a t are m uch m ore perm eable. T he upperm o st layer, a clayey silt (U p p er Clay), is believed to be d iscontinuous and overlies a layer o f sand and gravel (U p p er Sand). This unit is hydraulically connected w ith th e Q p. T he nex t underlying layer is a low perm eability silt and clay (M iddle C lay) w hich is com paratively th icker th an th e o th e r fine grain layers included in th e Kp™ strata. This clay layer overlies a coarsening d ow nw ard sequence o f sand and gravel (M iddle Sand). T his la ter sequence is underlain by a third clay and silt layer and a third sand and gravel layer (L o w er C lay and Sand).