The conventional approach to these problems has been to propose hydration models that usually predict the degree of hydration or amount of heat liberated with time under the assumption of fixed boundary conditions. These models are basically rate equations based upon several kinetic models and have served to generate input data to be used in structural programs devoted to macroscale static mechanics. The rationality of such methods is doubtful since the effects of temperature and moisture on the models of hydration cannot be dynamically considered in such a scheme. For a realtime integration, many of these models are too simplistic in nature and lack the versatility to explain the hydration behaviour under arbitrary conditions.

However, a formulation with less versatility can be exceptionally effective for huge concrete structures, such as dams. Here, almost all the volume of concrete can be presumed to be thermally isolated except for the surface zones, since the loss of heat from inside the structures to the external environment is much less than the heat generated inside the concrete. Then, the hydration process is nearly the same at any location, and the adiabatic temperature rise measured with high accuracy in the laboratory is expected to be correct for massive concrete.