In Chapter 1, we reviewed the nature of MFC and how it wraps the Win­ dows API. In particular, we looked at how a window is created, how mes­ sages are sent between windows, what classes make up an MFC application, and how to use the ClassWizard to override and enhance this process for our own application. What we didn’t cover, and what is probably one of the biggest sources of frustrations for even a proficient MFC programmer, is overriding this process at the wrong point. In other words, adding a window message handler for the wrong message or overriding the wrong MFC class function. What’s needed is documentation on what window message is sent or class function is called and in what order for even the simplest of activi­ ties. • Creating, moving, showing, and closing a window. • Creating and closing a modal or modeless dialog box. • Creating and closing a Dialog Application. • Creating and closing an SDI Application, as well as loading and saving

SDI documents.