In summary, for this sample, we haveN = 56, n0 = 33, n = 23, and x* = 1.8261 (if we assume that the observation reported as 5 + was actually 5). From the first equation of(l4.3.15), we calculate e = 23/56 = 0.4107, and from the second equation, we have 1.8261 = A./(1 - e-A), and thus~ = 1.355. The expected frequencies were calculated by substituting these estimates into the probability function (14.3.13). Asymptotic variances of e and~ were calculated from (14.3.17) with estimates 0.4107 and 1.355 substituted for 6 and A., respectively. We calculate ljl(l.355) = 1.39, E(n) = NS = n, V(S) = 0.0043, and V(~) = 0.082.