Modern communication is largely based on binary logic, in which messages are transmitted using only two discrete signal levels. In the binary number system these levels denote 0 or 1 and any number can be expressed as a series of 0’s and 1’s if we understand them to represent decreasing powers of 2. For example, we have 26=16+8+0+2+0; term by term this is identical to 26=1×24+1×23+0×22+1×21+0 ×20. In binary, digital code this yields a number, 11010 derived from the coefficients of the powers of 2. It is said to have a length of five binary units, or “bits.” We should note that, except for the use of the base 2 instead of the base 10 this is exactly how we commonly write numbers in decimal units. Thus, 3072=3×103+0×102+7×101+2×100.