This paper explores how the degree of anisotropy varies with the scale of observation from the centimeter scale up to meter scale.


The rocks in Forsmark have been subjected to varying degrees of deformation and display variably developed foliation and lineation (Stephens et al. 2007). The investigations were carried in the dominant metagranite in the vicinity of drill site 7, situated in the outer margins of the Forsmark tectonic lens. The rocks at this site are characterised by a relatively intense sub-vertical tectonic foliation, striking approximately N-S. The metagranite makes up more than 90% of the rock volume. Important subordinate rock types are amphibolite and pegmatite, both occurring as dykes, irregular bodies, and veins. The amphibolite and pegmatite are generally aligned parallel to the foliation. Sub-horizontal fractures were observed in several boreholes at two distinct levels, one at 5-8 m depth, the other between about 14 and 17 m (Sundberg et al. 2008).