Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner) is one of the most widespread and damaging pest of crops in Africa, with a wide host range and geographical distribution. This is highly polyphagous, and attacks several crops, including cotton, chickpea, pigeonpea, cowpea, sunflower, sorghum, groundnut, field beans, tobacco, maize, vegetables, fruit crops and tree species. Improved understanding of the crop losses, distribution, bio-ecology and the development of control techniques such as biological control, host plant resistance, cultural practices, rational use of chemical and/or botanical pesticides, are of paramount importance to evolve strategies to minimize the crop losses. In the past, there has been a predominance of research/extension focus on chemical control. Collaborative and multidisciplinary efforts are currently gaining attention through regional integrated pest management (IPM) network projects featuring linkages and partnerships among International Agricultural Research Centres (IARCs), Advanced Research Institutions (ARIs) and National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS).