G (10.9) Suppose we have N oscillators or electrons in a unit volume, and Nfi of them have an Eigen frequency wj. The fi is the oscillator

strength. Thus, the dielectric function of this group of oscillators from Eq. 10.9 ise w e

w w w ( )

( )

= + - -Â0

Nq m


When we focus on one particular oscillator at w = 0, we define el and eu as the dielectric functions at sufficiently lower and higher frequencies by e0 = eu (10.11) e(0) = el (10.12)

Substituting Eqs. 10.11 and 10.12 in Eq. 10.10, we get e e wl u Nq

m = +

( )e e wl u Nqm-=02 2 (10.14) Substituting Eq. 10.14 in Eq. 10.10, we get e e e e w

i = +

- - -

( )

( )


e e

e e


w w w l

i = +

- Ê ËÁ

ˆ ¯˜

- - 1

0 ( )G


When G 0

2<< ªw w L

, we introduce the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation ase e

w w

Substituting Eq. 10.17 in Eq. 10.16, we have the dispersion relation as e e w w w w wl u i

= + -

- -




˚ ˙ ˙

( )G (10.18)

Where wL is the frequency of the longitudinal wave. Equation 10.18 explains that in the frequency region of w0 – G0 < w < wL, the material shows large optical absorption (A) and reflection (R), as seen in Fig. 10.2. In the remaining region, the material is transparent (T). In addition, when G0 = 0 and in the frequency region of w0 < w < wL, the dielectric function will be real and negative e¢, and thus the refractive index will be pure imaginary k. Then a total reflection is observed.