Horner’s syndrome iv. Cocaine 4% drops may help in establishing the diagnosis of Horner’s

syndrome v. Hydroxyamphetamine 1% drops help to identify Horner’s due to

lesions of the third-order neurone

i. It is always unilateral ii. Has a male predilection iii. There is slow constriction to prolonged near effort and slow

redilation after near effort iv. There is absent or reduced light reaction v. It is a lesion of the sympathetic nervous system

94 Regarding electroretinography (ERG), which of the following statements are true and which are false? i. The a-wave is produced by the retinal pigment epithelium ii. The b-wave is produced in the Müller cells iii. Full-fi eld ERG is a measure of macula function iv. With the standard bright white fl ash, only a cone response is

generated v. A 30-Hz fl icker stimulus isolates the cone system

95 Regarding the electro-oculogram (EOG), which of the following statements are true and which are false? i. EOG represents retinal pigment epithelial activity ii. EOG can distinguish between rod and cone dysfunction iii. EOG can distinguish between optic nerve and macula disease iv. If the EOG is abnormal, the ERG will always be abnormal v. The EOG is measured in dark adaptation followed by light


96 Regarding visual evoked potentials (VEPs), which of the following statements are true and which are false? i. It is a measure of the response of the occipital cortex to visual

stimulation ii. Pattern VEPs are elicited by a chequerboard pattern iii. In optic neuropathy, the VEPs show prolonged latency and decreased

amplitude iv. It is not an appropriate test in children v. Latency is a more reliable indicator with VEPs than absolute


i. Dark adaptation is the process by which the visual system adapts to

decreased illumination ii. Dark adaptation curves form the basis of duplicity theory iii. The transition between rod-and cone-mediated vision is called the

mesopic range iv. The time required for dark adaptation is dependent on the number

of bleached rods v. Neural light adaptation is much faster than photochemical dark


98 Regarding light-near dissociation, which of the following statements are true and which are false? i. The pupils demonstrate a better pupil response to light than near

targets ii. It is found with Adie’s pupil iii. It is found with Horner’s syndrome iv. It is found with 6th nerve palsy v. It is found with a Marcus Gunn pupil

99 Regarding Argyll Robertson pupils, which of the following statements are true and which are false? i. The pupils are small ii. The pupils do not dilate well with atropine iii. The pupils display light-near dissociation iv. The condition is usually bilateral v. Following cessation of the near target, the pupil response is tonic

100 Regarding oxytocin, which of the following statements are true and which are false? i. It is released at the beginning of the menstrual cycle ii. It is structurally similar to vasopressin iii. It initiates contractions in the fi rst stage of labour iv. It is structurally similar to aldosterone v. It initiates contractions in the second and third stages of labour