Tan, Tabatabai, and Balakrishnan (1988) report tests for H 0 : 0'~ = 0, H0 : 0'~ = 0, and H0 : O'k = 0 that can be used when 0'~ is not equal in all cells. These tests are also based on the unweighted sums of squares . Hussein and Milliken (1978a) provide tests for H0 : 0'~ = 0 and H0 : 0'~ = 0 in a heteroscedastic situation where O'k = 0. Example 6.5.1 We illustrate the discussion in this section by considering the data in Table 6.5.1. A lower bound on 0'~ is obtained by noting 0'~ = (8w-83u)I(JkH). Thus , (6.2.2) can be used to compute a bound on 0'~ by replacing K with KH, Sr with Sru. and s5 with S5u. In order to compute the unweighted mean squares, Sru and S~u. we perform an analysis of variance on the cell means . For example, the following SAS code computes the cell means, and then uses PROC GLM to compute the unweighted mean squares.