Coherent manipulation of quantum states is a critical step toward many

novel technological applications ranging from manipulation of qubits in

quantum logic gates [1-5] to controlling the reaction pathways of molecules.

In the field of the quantum state control by optical means, both Rabi os-

cillation and quantum interference play the central roles. The exciton Rabi

splitting was observed in the luminescence spectrum of a single InGaAs

quantum dot and the exciton Rabi oscillation was also observed in the

spectroscopy of a single GaAs or InGaAs quantum dot [6-12]. The two-

qubit CROT gate operation was demonstrated using two orthogonally po-

larized exciton states and a biexciton state in a GaAs quantum dot [13].

Unfortunately, however, the decoherence/dephasing times of excitons and

biexcitons in these quantum dots are limited by the radiative lifetimes (∼ 1 ns) even at low temperatures. Thus a qubit with a longer decoherence

time is desirable for the application to the quantum information process-

ing. Electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots(QDs) are considered as

one of the most promising candidates of the building blocks for quantum

information processing [14, 15] due to their robustness against decoherence

effects [16, 17]. In double QD systems, initialization and coherent manipu-

lation of electron spin have been realized, with coherence times extending

to 1 µs [18, 19].