A promising solution to the problem of nuclear decoherence is to use a sub-

strate consisting of spin-0 nuclei. This is available in isotopically purified 28Si, where the isotopic purification increases the coherence time of electron

spins bound to 31P impurities to an astounding value of 60 ms [35]. Even

longer coherence times of many hours may be expected for the 31P nuclear

spin itself. This time has yet to be measured, although nmr measurements

of 29Si nuclei isolated from dipolar noise via radio-frequency pulse sequences

puts an experimental lower bound of 25 seconds on this coherence time [36].

Such long coherence times may provide a boost to fault-tolerant quantum

computers, as the fidelity of transferring an electron spin coherence to a

nuclear spin coherence and back using pulsed electron-nuclear double res-

onance (endor) techniques may be higher than the fidelity of correcting

electron-spin decoherence for the equivalent number of error correcting cy-

cles. For quantum repeaters, in which error correction may not be imple-

mented at all and very small errors are tolerated rather than corrected, such

long decoherence times are critical, as qubit entanglement must remain co-

herent over the time-scale of generating long-distance entanglement, which

may easily be many seconds.