ABSTRACT: This study presents some results of a research project on Territorial heritage as a resource for environmental integration and territorial development, and of two previous projects conducted by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation on related subject. More specifically, the study focuses on the description and analysis of elements of agricultural heritage in the rivers Guadalfeo and Guadiamar Basins. After the identification, inventory and analysis of elements that are catalogued as heritage, a territorial analysis is carried out based on cartographic information and aerial photography, strongly supported by field work. The main objective is to confirm the interdependent relationships between such elements and territory, and to highlight the need to extend the protection of heritage assets and their immediate surroundings. The results confirm the central role of specific architectural elements and agricultural infrastructure in the building up and functional organisation of the territory, and in the configuration of cultural landscapes. This study defends the idea that heritage elements and territory comprise a single unit which should be understood and interpreted as such in order to enhance its value.