ABSTRACT: It is understood by landscape the expression of the territorial dynamics which shape it, from the joint operation of the natural and cultural resources and including the involved communities. In this way, it is considered convenient to incorporate the taking into account of these communities, for its interpretation, identification, explanation and assessment. Then emerges the necessity of exploring the relationships between the tangible and the intangible, as an inescapable dialogue between the “objective”/“subjective” of the Landscape and its assessment. For operational purposes, “La Poma” is considered within a cutting which includes the North part of the Calchaquí Valley, in the itinerary of Payogasta to the “Abra del Nevado of Acay”. Taking into account a qualitative/quantitative approach, we turn to interviews, literary sources and to the popular songbook, like expressions of the important tangible cultural heritage which are present in the field, which in dialogue with that universe, account for the landscape, its transformations and assessment from the popular imaginary. The aim is to guide initiatives and policies for a sustainable development, overcome poverty conditions which affect severely to the native inhabitants, strengthen identities, retrieve knowledge, practice and values, inside a harmonious relationship between the countryman and his landscape.