Let’s Begin Our Stroll (Both Walking and Rolling) through the UD “Smart” Home 238

Let’s Start at the Garage 239

The UD Evolving “Drop Zone” and “Command Center” 239

The Easy-Use Kitchen 239

Making the Case for the Universal Designed Open Home Plan 240

Smooth Flooring and Surfaces Are Critical in the UD Home 240

Don’t Forget Thoughtful Furniture Placement 241

The Universal Bathroom 241

A Safe Hallway Leads to Private Rooms 243

Your UD Stairway to Heaven 244

A Healing Inclusive Bedroom 244

Lifestages: Redefining the Kitchen-A Comprehensive Study about Generational and Societal Influences on Kitchen Design 245

The New Normal 245

The Genshift 2011 Report 246

Baby Boomers (Born between 1946 and 1966) 246

Generation X (Born between 1967 and 1976) 246

Generation Y (Born between 1977 and 1993) 246

Key Findings 246

Key Finding 1: Homeowners May Not Have the Home They Really Need 247

Key Finding 2: Gen X Homeowners Are Staying Put 247

Key Finding 3: Dog Food May Be More Important Than Wine 248

Key Finding 4: Multitasking Requires Multifunctional Spaces 248

Key Finding 5: Multigenerational Homes Are on the Rise 248

Key Finding 6: Do Sweat the Small Stuff 249

Key Finding 7: The Best Floor Plans Are Open to Interpretation 250

Additional Considerations 250

Looking to the Future... 250

Sources 251

The Americans with Disabilities Act and Universal Housing Design 251

Applying Universal Design Philosophy to the Residential Kitchen 251

Safety Conflicts 252

Supportiveness Conflicts 253

Conflict Issues Conclusion 255

The Facts of Floor Space 255

Work Centers and Counter Heights 258

Storage 259

Lighting and Electrical Concerns 259

Controls and Hardware 260

Additional Concerns for Low-Vision Users 260

Additional Resources 260

Technique: Universal Bath Design 260

Safety 262

Accessibility/Comfort 262

Conclusion 263

Universal Design Features for Aging in Place-the Bath 263

Residential Redesign for Accessibility 264

Project 1: Three-Bedroom Rambler 264

Project 2: Townhouse 267

Hillside Home with Elevator and Other Universal Design Features 268

Kitchen Design for a Family of Cooks: Kitchen Design Strategies to Increase Home Dining for All Family Members 269

Award-Winning Accessible Home Uses Universal Design (Family Living) 272

Award-Winning Universal Design Home (Senior Housing, California) 273

Improving Quality of Life through Universal Design 273

Award-Winning Universally Designed Home (Senior Housing, Ohio) 275

Perhaps no other environment so readily reflects the underlying principle of universal design (UD) as the home. The environment should adapt to fit people, not vice versa. When you think about “home,” it is that fit that most readily comes to mind; home is where you are surrounded by the possessions you most value and enjoy, organized in a spatial arrangement that best reflects your personality and desires. Housing, however, has never really been designed to support the wide range of human beings that exists.