The history of organic chemistry is full of examples when certain subdis-

ciplines, which had not enjoyed much attention before, began to thrive ow-

ing to a discovery of an unexpected practical application for a class of

compounds, or of their new properties. Sulfamides are connected with one

of these examples. The use of sulfamide preparations as valuable therapeu-

tic agents caused an intensive development of this branch of chemistry,

and thousands of new sulfamide preparations were synthesized in a short

space of time. At present elementorganic chemistry is at a similar stage of

rapid development, which is demonstrated by many examples. Organo-

phosphorus chemistry, which had long been only of theoretical interest,

also soars due to the wide application of organic derivatives in various

spheres of economy. Organic titanium and aluminum chemistry was

boosted in 1954, when Ziegler discovered the ability of aluminorganic

compounds mixed with titanium tetrachloride to polymerize ethylene, as

well as in 1955, when Natta found the stereospecific polymerisation of un-

saturated compounds in the presence of various complex catalysts.