The embodiment of a current wireless measurement system for CM is shown in Figure 1. The system consists of a base station and transmitters for wireless local LAN network to acquire data. The data is sampled by eight individual channel ICP type accelerometers and processed internally. The data is then transmitted by the wireless system to the access points for uploading and storage on the base station. Each transmitter has a maximum of 10 units for data transmission. The acceleration signals from the eight channels will transmit vital information of the target machineries. Based on this hardware configuration, the operators can monitor the vibration data, send information to the alarm systems and configure the parameters from a standard PC. The wireless measurement system supports widely two modes. The first mode is the condition monitoring mode which addresses the physical requirements of the system, such as size, cost, reliability of wireless LAN communication, battery life, easy configuration and intelligence. In this mode, while retaining the physical requirements, it is essential that the system retains the accuracy, bandwidth and robustness when traditional accelerometers are used to acquire data. The second mode involves the real-time signal processing mode which supports an accurate measurement system with the base station capable of recording real-time digital signals from the transmitted data.