Since you read this page, we suppose that you agree with the program of actions presented in the introduction and are ready to dive into the sea of physical notions and terms. Thus, we start.

The title of this section contains the term “biological tissue.” In our book, this term denotes “building materials” used by the nature to create various organs of living organisms. Note that this term is applied both to the material from which the heart is “built” and to the materials of liver, bones, and all other constituent parts of the organism. Actually, on the everyday level, when saying “material,” we mean something that cannot be separated into individual components and without any gaps between its constitutive parts. The term “material” is a synonym of something continuous and uniform, visible by a naked eye. In physics, this term is often replaced by the term “medium” or, more precisely, continuous medium, or simply continuum. We now try to understand how this notion appears in physics.