Having in mind the essential effect of molecular weight on the strength of obtained linear polyurethanes, as mentioned above, it seems advisable to present the potential way(s) of controlling the progress of the step-growth polyaddition process from that point of view. The same process was subjected to theoretical analysis earlier, in chapter 4.3, and the computer simulation method was utilised which had been developed for that purpose. The multi-stage model process for polyaddition of 2,4-TDI, 2,6-TDI and 1,4-butanediol was carried out under experimental conditions, and the obtained concentration data for fractions F1-F10, collected with the use of the GPC method, were then used to verify the adopted kinetic model (50) and to fi nd the kinetic parameters kED and p1 [85]. The same date were used to verify kinetic models developed earlier, which however comprised a truncated set of kinetic equations [23].