INTRODUCTION On December 3,1967, Mr. Louis Waskansky underwent the first successful hu­

man cardiac transplant, performed by Dr. Christian Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa. This milestone was reached after the technical aspects of orthotopic car­ diac transplantation had been described in 1959 by Ross M. Brock of Guy’s Hos­ pital in London. The following year Shumway published the seminal paper on orthotopic cardiac transplantation in which the technical aspects, recipient sup­ port and donor organ preservation were integrated into a single approach. The initial experience with heart transplantation in the ensuing twelve months after Barnard’s first operation was dismal: 71 of the first 100 recipients died. The intro­ duction of cyclosporine provided the next breakthrough that allowed hospital mor­ tality to drop below 10 percent and five-year survival rate to approach 80 percent.