Relativity tells us that time slows down in extreme gravitational fields (around a black hole, for example) and during extreme acceleration (this is referred to as time dilation). The primordial singularity is imagined as being much denser than even a black hole and if time at the Schwartzshield radius (the sphere o f “no return” around the black hole from which even light cannot escape) must stand still, then time must certainly have been captive o f the gravitational force in the Big Bang singularity (sin­ gularity here refers to the unity o f all forces as opposed to the uniqueness o f our universe). The perception o f time, it is theorized, would be the same as ours for any­ body living (hypothetically) in a black hole. The light would move away from the hole at the speed o f light measured in unit time in the black hole! But time does not flow at all, or infinitely slowly under these conditions and hence-for the outside observer-light does not get out. This is part o f the invariance concept o f relativ­ ity. Perhaps it is better to say that time is not defined during this period. Physi­ cists prefer it that way! When they face the stark consequences o f their own ideas they fade from the scene much like (Goethes) Dr. Faust did at the sight o f the spirit o f the earth whom he had conjured.