Epithelial tumors account for approximately 90% o f ovarian malignancies and one-half o f all ovarian neoplasms. Primary nonepithelial ovarian tumors account for the remaining 10% o f ovarian malignancies and 50% o f the remaining nonmalignant ovarian neoplasms. Primary nonepithelial ovarian tumors can be divided into two major subgroups, germ cell tumors and sex cord-stromal tumors (please refer to Chapter 14). Additionally, tumors metastatic to the ovary and exceptionally rare primary ovarian malignancies (such as sarcomas) may be discovered at time o f explo­ ration for an adnexal mass. Table 15.1 shows the approximate percentages o f ovarian tumors by cell o f origin. The frequency o f ovarian tumors varies by patient age and geography. For example, germ cell tumors are more prevalent in younger women and epithelial tumors are more common in western countries.