Both respiratory and circulatory systems work together, distributing the oxygen acquired from lung to the cells in exchange for carbon dioxide, which will be exhaled from the lungs, a process known as respiration (Bérubé et al. 2010). The air required to perform vital functions comes from the respiratory system. It passes through the nose to the respiratory apparatus (composed by larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs), penetrating the bloodstream for its distribution. The lungs function, structure, and environment play a very important role in the deposition of particles and microbes. The lung, because of its large surface area, is constantly exposed to microbes and particles entering by the airways (González-Juarrero and O’Sullivan 2011). As a result, the respiratory apparatus is quite exposed to many external agents being more vulnerable to develop several diseases, some of them with increased prevalence in the population, which deteriorates the life quality and expectancy. Examples of life threatening lung diseases include the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), lung cancer, tuberculosis, and asthma.