Pediculosis is an ecoparasitosis caused by hematophagous wingless insects (lice) of the gender Anoplura. In humans infestation is caused by Pediculus humanus capitis or head louse, Pediculus humanus humanus or body louse, and Phtirus pubis or pubic louse. Pediculus h. humanus and capitis, may in addition transmit infectious diseases such as endemic typhus, relapsing fever and other rickettsial diseases ( Lancet 1993; 342:1213-15), especially among victims during war time (Isr J Med Sci 1993; 29:371-73). Both varieties seem to be closely related and may interbreed; nevertheless, different species must be considered since their feeding habits, survival requirements and habits are different (Primary Care. Clinics in Office Practice. Saunders 1989:551-68).