Endocrine Tumors Thomas J. Kearney, David A. August Introduction Tum ors o f the endocrine system encom pass a broad spectrum o f clinical presen­

tations, pathological findings, treatm ent options and outcom es. Even the m ost co m ­ m on endocrine tum ors are relatively rare com pared to frequendy occurring epithelial tum ors. Surgery is the prim ary treatm ent for m ost endocrine neoplasms although other modalities are used on occasion. Therefore, it is im portant for the surgeon to understand appropriate evaluation and m anagem ent o f endocrine tum ors. This C hapter will cover the evaluation and treatm ent o f the com m on tum ors o f the thy­ roid, parathyroid and adrenal glands as well as a discussion o f endocrine tum ors o f the pancreas, carcin oid tum ors and the m ultiple en docrin e neoplasia (M E N ) syndrom es.