T h e International Congress o f O ncology was held in Paris in 1 9 2 2 and at that tim e the first real scientific evidence was presented that advanced head and neck cancers could be treated effectively for cure with radiation. D uring this period o f tim e and through the thirties, the con cept o f fractionation developed as a basis for radiation treatm ents. By 1 9 3 6 published reports indicated that protractin g the radiation over several weeks w ith fractionated schedules w ould improve the thera­ peutic ratio, increasing dose to tu m or and allowing m ore repair to norm al tissues. W h ile higher energy x-rays were being produced by new technology, at the same tim e the art o f brachytherapy was developing as well. By the early 1 9 00s Radium needles were being placed within m alignant tum ors in m any anatom ic locations w ith long-term control o f tum ors.