If you were to peruse a volume o f say, “The Archives of Surgery”, you would almost surely encounter terms such as Kaplan-Meier estimates, log rank tests, and Cox’s proportional hazards model. For example Vol 131, Jan.-June 1996, o f The Annals o f Surgery contains articles on “Multimodel-Therapy Breast Salvage in the Urban Poor with Locally Advanced Cancer” (Boddie et al), “Patient Selection for Hepatic Resection of Colorectal Metastases” (Wanebo et al), “Hepatitis C Viral In­ fection in Liver Transplantation” (Johnson et al), and “Surgical Aspects o f Patients with Adenocarcinoma of the Stomach Operated on for Cure” (Soreide et al), whose statistical analyses include methods of survival analysis.