A lthough ADM was first isolated from pheochrom ocytom a tissue, the pep tide is localized in a variety o f tissues.10-14 ADM has been fo u n d to be exp ressed in th e adrenal m edulla , lung, kidney, ventricle, sp inal cord , stom ach , an te r io r p itu itary , thalam us and hypothalam us .10-14 It has also been reported tha t ADM is synthesized by endothelial cells, and tha t this release rate is s im ila r to th a t o f e n d o th e l in - 1 .2 T h is o b se rv a tio n m ay suggest th a t A D M is ano ther endothelium -derived relaxing fac­ to r (EDRF).2 Moreover, it has been reported tha t vascular sm ooth muscle cells produce and release A D M .2 In addition to the pres­ ence o f ADM message and peptide in tis­ sues and ADM in plasm a under physiologi­ cal conditions, plasm a levels o f ADM have been show n to be increased in disease states, such as congestive heart failure, hyperten­ sion, renal failure, septic shock, p rim ary aldosteronism , diabetes, myocardial infarc­ tio n an d p u lm o n a ry h y p e r te n s io n .11-16 ADM has been show n to have actions in the CNS, intestine and kidney, in addition to having vasodilator activity in m any species and vascular beds, including the hindlim b, mesenteric and pulm onary vascular beds.17-36

The CGRP Family: Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP), Amylin, and Adrenomedullin, edited by David Poyner. ©2000 EUREKAH.COM.