AMY) is a 37 am ino acid pep tide first iso­ lated from pancreatic islet am yloid o f Type II (n o n -in su lin d ep en d en t) d iabetic p a ­ tients. It shares abou t 50% hom ology w ith ca lc iton in g ene-re la ted p ep tid e (CG RP) and is involved in several regulatory func­ tions including glucose hom eostasis, food intake and m em ory processing (for a review see refs. 1,2). Because several studies had reported little or no am ylin m RNA in the b rain , am ylin has usually been considered as being an exclusively periphera l pep tide th a t acts centrally because o f its ability to c ro ss th e b lo o d b ra in b a r r ie r . R ecen t repo rts , however, have described am ylin expression in chicken b ra in ,3 ra t sensory neurons4 and in the ra t b rain , w here it has a w idespread im m unohistochem ical d is tri­ b u t io n .5 In th is s tu d y th e am y lin -lik e im m u n o reac tiv ity o f th e m onkey h y p o ­ thalam us was investigated.