Adrenom edullin (ADM ) has been classi­fied as a m e m b e r o f th e c a lc ito n in gene-related peptide (CGRP) family o f pep­ tides on the basis o f structu ra l hom ology an d because in som e tissues A D M an d CGRP appear to share a com m on receptor. ADM exerts po ten t vasodilator effects in a n um ber o f vascular beds,1 and reverses the v a so c o n s tr ic to r a c tio n o f e n d o th e lin -1 (ET-1).2' 3 The aim o f these studies was to determ ine w hether ADM affects the level o f preproET-1 m essenger RNA (m RN A ) o r ET-1 release from bovine aortic endo the­ lial cells (BAEC). In addition , the p h arm a­ cological n a tu re o f the recep to r th ro u g h w hich these effects are m ediated was also addressed.