Many theories relating the pineal gland and its secretory product melatonin to aginghave been put forward. However, the role of this agent in the aging process is stillnot clear. Although aging process is multifactoral, and no single element seems to be of basic importance for several reasons it seems reasonable to postulate a role of melatonin in this process. Melatonin levels fall gradually over the life-span. Reduced concentrations of melatonin may result in lowered sleep efficacy very often associated with advancing age. Diminished melatonin secretion in advanced age may be related to deterioration of many circadian rhythms. Melatonin deficiency is related to suppressed immunocompetence which plays a role in the acceleration of aging. Finally, melatonin is a potent free radical scavenger, and free radicals cause accumulating with age damage to vital cellular constituents which has significance not only for aging per se but also for many age-related diseases. The data on the possible importance of melatonin in human aging and age-related diseases, and background for its supplementation in advanced age are briefly presented in this survey.