Chapter Overview Treatment o f coagulation disorders is not an exact science. There are mathemati­

cal equations and graphs in this chapter, yes, but they are simply starting points. This chapter will outline the treatment approach to the common coagulopathies: the inherited disorders o f factors VIII and IX, patients with liver disease, patients supra-therapeutic on warfarin, and patients mildly coagulopathic but requiring either open surgical or percutaneous procedures. In the coagulopathic patient, I think you must rely on your clinical assessment (is the patient bleeding?) to guide therapy to a greater degree than you do in the anemic or thrombocytopenic patient. This is because plasma transfusion is imprecise. There is certainly not a 3% Hct rule for FFP, even in the stable patient. My guidance, therefore, though it is evidence-based and clear, will require your input as well.