Solitude is the best unrecognized advisor that an intellectual can have. Solitude is like a dear old friend who knows you best and has the time to listen to your thoughts and fears. Solitude does not ask us any questions, and it does not reproach us under any circumstances. From my perspective, a persons ability to arrive at the best solution depends on his or her decision to seek the required solitude and to listen to the voice of silence. William Penn (1644-1718) once said that “true silence is the rest o f the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment,”1 Everything changes when we do not have the time to find solitude. In todays world, the life of a surgeon or a surgeon-scientist is one of continuous com­ mitment to work and minimal time to spare. Therefore, it is crucial to find and set aside time to experience the forgotten benefits of solitude.