Annie and George Griffi ns are in their early thirties and they live in the United States. They married a year ago and are looking forward to having a baby. Ideally, they want to have two children: two boys. However, they know that they cannot control nature, so they seem to be alright with having either two girls or one girl and one boy. Sometimes, they appear to be uncertain and engage themselves in long discussions about the sex of their children and wonder whether they can do anything about it with the help of modern medicine and technology. They fi nished high school and both had a strong interest in the arts and humanities and therefore they have little understanding of technology as used in obstetrics. They conduct extensive internet searches and ask various people about the possibility of selecting their children’s sex. Through the internet, they discover that they can indeed determine the sex of their children and they are excited by the prospect of this. A further search online reveals, however, that this is not recommended due to the high cost and the side effects of the medication involved. Nevertheless, they visit a famous fertility centre located in their home town, New Jersey, to explore the issue further.