The use and misuse of mind-altering substances has existed since antiquity and the history of mankind is marked by the constant search for new substances and forms of previously used substances with mind-altering effects (1,2). Drug abuse is now one of the major health problems in the United States and is implicated in many deaths, both directly from overdose and indirectly as a result of injuries sustained while the individual is intoxi­ cated. Further, the number of available pharmaceuticals has increased greatly during the last few decades, as has societal use and dependence on medicines. Americans take prescription medications at an astonishing rate (3,4). In addition, a large number of illicit drugs containing psy­ choactive substances are consumed each year (5). The problems resulting from substance use and abuse appear to be more extensive in our modem society than ever before because of this increased availability and the increase in the number of available substances (6). There seems to be no limit to the type of material used to carry or disguise the drug or drug combination. The United States seems to be at the forefront of the problem, but there are few countries whose youth are not involved (7,8).