Phencyclidine (phenylcyclohexylpiperidine, PCP) is chemically related to the phenothiazines, and consists of a benzene ring, a cyclohexyl ring, and a piperidine ring (1). Phencyclidine is a synthetic drug and one of a large family of arylcyclohexylamines developed more than 2 0 years ago as possible anesthetic agents with structures different from those of other psychomimetic drugs and neurotransmitters (2,3). More than 30 phencyclidine analogs have been developed through minor modifica­ tions of the manufacturing process. Many investigators have attempted to classify PCP, and although it is some­ times classified as an atypical hallucinogen it appears to fall into a class of its own. It produces both (central ner­ vous system) (CNS) stimulation and depression, halluci­ nations, analgesia, and cholinergic-like symptoms along with many other effects.