Reproductive toxins are materials that can interfere with reproductive functions or can cause damage to an exposed adult’s ova, sperm, embryo, fetus, or child. Examples of reproductive eff ects include the following:

Eff ects on the reproductive organs (e.g., enlarged breasts, atrophied testicles, damaged ova)• Eff ects on adult sexual functions (e.g., ovulation, libido fertility, menstruation)• Eff ects on the off spring of males or females who were exposed, by causing structural abnormali-• ties, functional defi ciencies, diseases or altered growth, or death of the conceptus Eff ects on the health of the neonate by concentrating in breast milk• Increased risk of cancer early in life or in adulthood from transplacental carcinogens crossing the • placenta

“Mutagens” aff ect off spring through changes in the DNA of paternal spermatogonia or maternal oocytes prior to conception. “Teratogens” aff ect the developing embryo or fetus via exposures in the

womb. Eff ects may be apparent at birth or may be detectable only years aft er birth. An infant may be exposed to “environmental chemicals” during early postnatal life by drinking contaminated breast milk, exposure to toxins brought home on the work clothes of parents, or exposure to toxins in its environment.