Nanobers are the ultrane solid bers of very small diameters-preferably lower than 100 nm (Frenot and Chronakis, 2003), although bers of hundreds of nanometers in diameter are also included among the nanobers. Traditional polymer bers made by spinning using pressure-driven £ow through an extruder have diameters in the order of 10-100 μm(McKee et al., 2004). By shrinkingthe ber diameter from micrometers to submicron or nanometer region, new amazing properties appear (Huang et al., 2003). Nanobers have a large surface area per unit mass and very small pore size. Thus, 1gof polymeric nanobers of 50 nm diameter has an area about 100 m2 (Vrieze et al., 2007). The surface area-to-volume ratio for ananober can be up to 1000 times higher than that of amicrober (Huang et al., 2003). Surface functionality of nanobers can be controlled and tailored £exibly, and they possess superior mechanical performance like stiffness and tensile strength.