All blood gas samples were obtained during the nonaestivating period of the animals. The red cells of Lepidosiren are large and nucleated, which leads to a slow linear decline due to O2 consumption of the cells. This O2 consumption was corrected for by linear regression to zero time. As a less attractive alternative, the small animals might have been inadequate for implantation of catheters and subsequent blood sampling. Comparing Rana catesbeiana, to Lepidosiren it turns out that PaCO2 of Lepidosiren is about twice the value for Rana catesbeiana. This result was not expected from the principle of Dejours, in particular because R. catesbeiana eliminates 59% of total CO2 output by the lung, while the lungfish eliminates 50%. Cutaneous gas exchange is mainly diffusion dependent and Kco2 increases by only 10%/10°C.