ABSTRACT: This study seeks to evaluate the role of clay content on water content detection using a TDR probe system and eigendecomposition method. As a demonstration, specimens with variable amounts of bentonite (0 to 18% by wt.) and water contents (0 to 20% by wt.) were compacted at known densities and tested using TDR probe. For each experiment, reflected signals were captured by an oscilloscope and their characteristics were identified using eigendecomposition method. Autoregressive modeling and singular value decomposition methods were utilized for calculating the eigenvalues. The most significant eigenvalues were then identified based on their power. Experimental results indicated that the presented system is sensitive to both water and clay contents in the tested specimens. Multivariate statistical analysis was then performed and the regression analysis resulted in a system of nonlinear equations that best described the system. Actual and predicted results are in agreement, indicating a good performance and versatility of the developed system for wide range of water and clay contents in the tested samples.