As discussed in Section 4.4 the strong coupling regime of cavity QED

is reached when the emitter-cavity coupling rate gcav dominates over the cavity loss rate κ and other decay modes of the emitter

γ , i.e., gcav > κ/2, γ . The strong coupling regime is not only ideal to test the field quantization formalism and the resulting Jaynes-

Cummings model [56, 344], but also the basis for many scalable

quantum computation and networking protocols [345-347]. Here,

the cavity mediates deterministic light-matter interaction on

the single-photon single-emitter level, allowing the realization of

quantum gates and interfaces between stationary and flying qubits.

In classical information processing, strong coupling can be used

to achieve ultrafast all-optical switches with ultralow switching

energies, reaching the one-photon level [348]. Thus, strongly

coupled solid state emitters promise to provide a scalable quantum

and classical optical information processing platform.